05: Night Sky (part 1)
Our atoms come from the stars.

Big up to Neil deGrasse Tyson for taking time out of his busy schedule to cameo in my comic. Next chapter drops September 22!
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From: Mack P.
What do you think of THE PROTEGE? Have you seen it?
I haven't seen that movie. But I figure you're asking because of the similarities to my comic PROTEGE. I watched the trailer and it seems that, aside from the title (which tbh is not innovative or unique) and the old Black man/younger female assassin semblances, it's a very different story from mine. If any of you have seen it, let me know what you thought and if it's worth checking out.
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If you have comments, questions, rants or raves I'd love to read them – write FOR PRINT or DO NOT PRINT in the subject to let me know if I can post any of the content.